I am with you

Believe and know that I Am here not only for you but AS you.

If you embrace that I Am here for you, it is an understanding that should
you need my help and reach out to me, I will reach back.

However, this reaching back and forth can create a lag between your
need and my response. It is not, therefore, an appropriate metaphor for
our relationship.

Rather, understand that I Am not here for you but I Am here AS you.
I cannot be separate from you.

There is no lag between your request and my response. It may take a
while to align things in perfect ways so that the outcome serves all my
children, but the response is instantaneous.

This day, affirm that we are one.

Know that the desires of your soul are not merely on my "to do list"

-- they are already done and moving toward you even now.

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