October.......the fall...............is a time of vast reflection for me.....
This year has come and gone by soo fast & I've truly grown spiritually, mentally, & creatively more so than any year I can remember before this...
It has taken me many years to look back and reflect, access things....change my views on them...so I am able to see the picture more clearly to allow myself to move forward & expand.....to allow myself to think in holographic thought....at a higher octave.....When you can think holographically....'constriction is only an illusion'.....as a wise and spiritual woman (Chris Griscom) once wrote....
As things fade and drift this season,....& trees that once danced a passionate fire collapse into a cold gray earth...I think about my life....and I am thankful....Thankful for all of the experiences that have enhanced my life....made it more fruitful.....so that my leaves can become those blazing colors of the season....bright & vivid with life and spirit....I think if there's anything this season teaches me more so than any other season it is to give thanks....for what is......And that is what has taken me soo long to figure out.....& now that I'm finally here....I'm at peace....
I wanted to leave you all with a beautiful poem of the season called 'Lady Autumn' by Deirdre Akins....Hope you enjoy....& if there's one thing you can do today in your life....even if it seems simple & minuscule....is to just give thanks....be happy that the sun is shining...beating down on your face...bringing you warmth.....and filling you with life energy! :)
Love & Light,
The Design Genie©
"Lady Autumn, Queen of the Harvest,
I have seen You in the setting Sun
with Your long auburn tresses
blowing in the cool air that surrounds You.
Your crown of golden leaves is jeweled
with amber, amethyst, and rubies.
Your long, flowing purple robe stretches across the horizon.
In Your hands You hold the ripened fruits.
At Your feet the squirrels gather acorns.
Black crows perch on Your outstretched arms.
All around You the leaves are falling.
You sit upon Your throne and watch
the dying fires of the setting Sun
shine forth its final colors in the sky.
The purple and orange lingers
and glows like burning embers.
Then all colors fade into the twilight.
Lady Autumn, You are here at last.
We thank You for Your rewards.
We have worked hard for these gifts.
Lady Autumn, now grant us peace and rest."
- Deirdre Akins
Chris Griscom,
Harvest Records,
Social Sciences,
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